We are presently rebuilding our entire Website & Web – Applications. The reason is that the previous system has become incompatible with the latest technological advancements & requirements of day-to-day activities.
During the time of pandemic & lockdown when the entire education system shifted from offline-mode to online-mode instantaneously, the necessity of modern Website & Web-applications became more prominent. The sudden surge of activities made our activities operate at much lower scale.
So, we decided to rebuild the entire system during the month of September 2021 and accordingly, work has been started. The reflection of the said work is prominent here. The entire process is under development and regular developments are made on massive scale.
Keeping in mind the urgent requirement, we have decided to start the new system on testing basis, w.e.f. 12-09-2021. Many of the systems are unavailable for general use. Only certain features are enabled for use. If you are looking for certain information, and you are unable to find the same here, it may be because it is under development or content is not provided for same. Please bear with us in this time, and we ensure you to provide best-in-class services in upcoming days to all students, faculties and others using this website.
With regards, Ananda Chandra College Administration
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